Hasrat PAS untuk melaksanakan hukum hudud tidak akan tercapai kerana parti itu secara sendirian tidak mampu menguasai majoriti kerusi Parlimen untuk meminda perlembagaan, kata penyelaras pakatan pembangkang Datuk Zaid Ibrahim.
"Saya tidak nampak hudud boleh dilaksanakan oleh satu parti sahaja. Ia memerlukan sokongan besar di dalam dewan (Rakyat)," katanya.
Zaid yang juga Pengerusi Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Wilayah Persekutuan berkata impian melaksanakan hukum hudud tidak mungkin tercapai berdasarkan kedudukan kerusi parti PAS dalam Dewan Rakyat yang memerlukan sokongan dua pertiga anggota dewan untuk meminda Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita ketika diminta mengulas mengenai hasrat PAS untuk melaksanakan hukum hudud biarpun rakan pakatan pembangkang, DAP, membantah hasrat itu dengan menyifatkan Malaysia adalah negara sekular.
Zaid yang sebelum itu menyampaikan sumbangan hari raya kepada orang kurang upaya di Yayasan Orang Kurang Upaya Kelantan (YOKUK) di Pengkalan Chepa dekat sini, hari ini, berkata perselisihan pendapat berhubung pelaksanaan hukum hudud di antara PAS dan DAP hanyalah berasaskan perbezaan impian politik masing-masing.
"Ketiga-tiga parti (PAS, DAP, PKR) telah bersetuju segala undang-undang yang kita buat atau kita gubal mestilah mengikut perlembagaan negara," katanya dan menurutnya dasar bersama itu ditandatangani pada Disember 2009. - BERNAMA
Friday, August 27, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Sifat Terbuka PAS Kepada Non-Muslims

Mursyidul Am PAS Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat hari ini mempertahankan tindakan anggota Parlimen Serdang, Teo Nie Ching menyampaikan sumbangan dan tazkirah di ruang solat Surau Al-Huda, Kajang Sentral, Ahad lepas.
Menteri Besar Kelantan itu berkata tindakan anggota Parlimen tersebut tidak menyalahi hukum Islam, malah sebaik-baik cara untuk mendekatkan mesyarakat bukan Islam kepada Islam.
“Tidak salah orang bukan Islam termasuk wanita masuk dalam masjid sama ada untuk berucap atau apa sahaja asalkan berpakaian sopan bagi bukan Islam dan menutup aurat bagi orang Islam,” kata Nik Aziz kepada pemberita, di sini hari ini.
Beliau diminta mengulas tindakan Anggota Parlimen DAP itu yang menyampaikan sumbangan dan tazkirah di ruang solat utama surau terbabit.
Tindakan Teo itu menimbulkan kemurkaan Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah yang menitahkan Majlis Agama Islam Selangor menyiasat dan mengambil tindakan sewajarnya ke atas pengurusan surau tersebut.
Mengulas lanjut, Nik Abdul Aziz berkata tindakan itu dilihat ganjil kerana umat Islam sekarang terlalu jahil dengan agama sedangkan pada zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW baginda mengajak orang kafir Quraisy tinggal di dalam masjid termasuk dibenar tidur, makan dan minum.
“Cuma apa yang dilihat (benda) itu sebagai pelik di zaman ini menunjukkan umat Islam kita terlalu jahil dengan agama,” katanya.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Hudud :
Pas Kena Perjelas Pada Umat Islam, Bukan Pada Karpal!
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Aku hanya tersenyum sendiri bila Mursyidul Am Pas, Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat semalam menasihatkan Karpal Singh supaya berdepan dengan orang Pas terlebih dahulu untuk memahami hukum hudud sebelum menolaknya mentah-mentah. Ia berikutan bantahan Karpal terhadap cadangan Menteri Besar Kelantan itu agar negara ini kembali kepada undang-undang hudud. Ini kerana menurutnya undang-undang sivil sekarang gagal mengawal jenayah dan penyakit sosial
Bagi aku, buat apa pula Karpal nak faham tentang hudud? Karpal tak perlu tahu tentang hudud. Mengapa aku kata begitu?
Jawapannya mudah saja, satu dunia dah tahu Karpal berulang-kali beritahu yang langkah mayatnya terlebih dahulu sebelum nak wujudkan negara Islam. Maknanya di sini, Karpal dari awal lagi dah 'tak pandang' pasal Islam ini, jadi bila dia dah tak pandang tentang Islam, mengapa pula Nik Aziz terhegeh-hegeh nak dia faham pula tentang hudud?
Kalau Islam pun dia dah tak hairan, bagi aku buang masa saja kalau Nik Aziz nak Karpal ambil berat atau memahami hudud ini.
Bagi aku, yang paling 'tidak cerdik' adalah Nik Aziz sendiri. Dia bukan baru kenal Karpal. Bahkan aku rasa dia sendiri pun dah cukup masak perangai Karpal.
Yang kita tertanya-tanya sekarang, kenapa Nik Aziz masih nak berkerjasama dengan Karpal sedangkan Karpal awal-awal lagi dah nyatakan pendiriannya terhadap agama yang kita anuti itu.
Kenapa Nik Aziz lebih rela untuk 'tidur sebantal' dengan Karpal sedangkan dengan UMNO dia bukan main lagi berpatah arang berkerat rotan.
Nik Aziz juga dengan 'confident' semalam mengatakan yang Karpal adalah satu-satunya pemimpin dalam DAP yang menolak hukum hudud.
Maaf Nik Aziz, bukan Karpal saja, semua orang dalam DAP itu menolak hudud. Kalau betul ada ahli atau pemimpin DAP menyokong hudud, aku minta dia bagi bukti sekarang juga
Aku nak tahu siapa yang dalam DAP menyokong hudud seperti mana yang digembar-gemburkan oleh Nik Aziz itu
Nik Aziz kena ingat, UMNO sendiri pun bukannya tolak hukum hudud, tetapi UMNO menolak tafsiran dan undang-undang Pas Kelantan yang tidak serasi dengan syariah.
Yang UMNO persoalkan ialah, apakah undang-undang Pas dengan hukum hudud Islam menepati dan mencapai maksud dan matlamat hukum hudud dalam Islam?
Apakah undang-undang Pas akan menjamin keadilan bagi mereka yang akan didakwa dibawahnya?
Kita semua kena faham, hukum hudud bukan menekan keberatan hukum dalam Islam tetapi sebaliknya adalah untuk keadilan.
Menganggap keadilan tidak penting dalam Islam adalah salah.
Sebenarnya kedatangan Islamlah yang membawa keadilan kepada Arab Jahiliah dan masyarakat lain yang menerima Islam. Sebab keadilannyalah, Islam mudah diterima.
Aku nak tanya satu soalan kepada Nik Aziz, kenapa undang-undang Pas Kelantan tidak akan dipaksakan ke atas orang bukan Islam?
Betul, Nabi sendiri tidak menggunakan undang-undang Islam untuk mengadili orang bukan Islam, tetapi hasilnya masih keadilan bagi semua pihak, sama ada yang Islam dan yang bukan Islam.
Tetapi jika undang-undang Pas diguna untuk orang Islam dan undang-undang jenayah biasa diguna untuk bukan Islam maka hasilnya ialah perbezaan hukuman yang amat ketara antara penjenayah Islam dan penjenayah bukan Islam bagi jenayah yang sama.
Perbezaan hukuman untuk jenayah yang sama amatlah tidak adil bagi apa juga sistem nilai atau agama.
Daripada kajian yang telah dibuat amatlah jelas bahawa undang-undang PAS Kelantan adalah tidak menepati sepenuhnya undang-undang, semangat dan sifat-sifat yang ada pada agama Islam.
Ini yang Nik Aziz perlu terang kat umat Islam di Malaysia ini, bukan pada Karpal Singh!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Karpal Singh :
Hudud bukan penyelesai masalah sosial dan jenayah di Malaysia
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Karpal berkata partinya tidak dapat menerima sebarang bentuk pelaksanaan hudud di negara ini.
“Adalah silap bagi orang seperti Nik Aziz bercakap sesuatu yang tidak boleh diperkenalkan di negara ini. Perlembagaan Persekutuan hanya membenarkan Kanun Keseksaan dan undang-undang sivil lain dan tidak ada ruang untuk undang-undang hudud,” katanya pada sidang akhbar di sini hari ini.
Karpal mengulas kenyataan Menteri Besar Kelantan itu semalam bahawa adalah wajar untuk berbalik kepada hudud oleh kerana beliau dakwa undang-undang sivil sekarang gagal mengawal jenayah dan penyakit sosial.
Namun, kata Nik Aziz, keutamaan mestilah menerapkan taqwa atau pendidikan agama terlebih dulu di kalangan rakyat.
Karpal berkata beliau amat jelas dalam perkara itu dan tidak mahu berhujah dengan Nik Aziz kerana pandangan beliau (Karpal) berdasarkan apa yang dinyatakan dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang memperuntukkan negara sekular.
Karpal berkata pada 1988, Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan bahawa hanya undang-undang sivil terpakai di sesebuah negara sekular.
Katanya, beliau tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan kerajaan untuk mengenakan hukuman mati dalam kes buang bayi, dan menambah adalah lebih baik menubuhkan suruhanjaya diraja bagi menyiasat dan mengenalpasti punca masalah sebenar. — Bernama
Monday, August 16, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Teoh Beng Hock Saga Part 2 :
An In Depth and Thorough Chronology

ps : If you have never read part 1 which I wrote on 21 October 2009, read it here : http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=414073393412
1. The Teoh Beng Hock (TBH) saga is no doubt one of the key issues which had stirred up the anger of some Malaysian Chinese against the current Malaysian Federal Government.
2. Let us not kid our self here. The TBH was and is a tragic issue which was used/abused as a political tool. They believed that MACC is a Malay-UMNO institution which had been involved in the murder of their own Chinese kin.
3. Of course these are all bunch of fantasy born out of blind hatred.
4. How this blind hatred came to be ? What has been going on regarding the inquest? In this article I will try mybest to answer all these questions with facts. I will do my very best to present this as balance as possible (read: at least 90% of the links/sources must come from pro-Pakatan Opposition websites!). lol
Teoh Beng Hock (TBH) was a political assistant to the newly elected "wakil rakyat" for Seri Kembangan (DAP) Ean Yong Hian Wah.
TBH was called by MACC as one of the many witnesses to help them to investigate the allegations of corruption against some of the DAP State Exco members. He was not treated as a suspect but as a witness.
His last day was supposedly on the 17th July 2010. The night before, he promise the MACC investigators that he will bring important documents which will verified what he had said for the past 2 days.
When his interview ended, he was invited by the MACC investigators and went along with them for a late supper before he went back to Plaza Masalam to rest on the sofa there. There he met probably the last person he saw, the Kajang Municipal Councillor, Tan Boon Wah (DAP).
7. If TBH was supposed to give MACC the important document,would it not be stupid of MACC to murder him as claimed by pro-Pakatan media/blogs?
An excellent question! However I have yet to read in MalaysiaKini or TheMalaysiaInsider, any of their journalists asking this question. Please email it to steven@malaysiakini.com or jsadiq@themalaysianinsider.com
8. Who made the allegations which led to the investigation?
On 13 July 2009, PKR MP for Wangsa Maju wrote in his blog that some members ofthe Selangor State Excos were involved in some illegal triad activities and corruption of state funds (read: Duit RAKYAT). This revelation had angered some members of MP Wangsa Maju's own Pakatan members. Strangely most of this anger came dominantly from a single party, DAP. PKR was defending its MP and PAS was silent.
The PKR MP for Wangsa Maju did not give the name of thoseState Excos which were involved but just wrote "Siapa makan cili, dia terasa pedasnya.
8. Why the MACC was blamed for TBH death?
TBH died on 16th July 2009. A day later, Andrew Ong a reporter for MalaysiaKini wrote an article quoting Tan Boon Hwa that MACC had "threatened him".
Until today, 11 August 2010, Tan Boon Hwa has not make either a formal complaint to MACC or to the police or sue the MACC for the so called "threat".
However the damage was done. By evening of that day, blogs and forum were full with speculations and condemnation of MACC. Although the PM at that time ask the public to remain calm, the image of MACC as a ruthless and violent organization has been stick to the mind especially of the Chinese.
On the same day, Lim Kit Siang put the finishing touch of tarnishing MACC for good in the eyes of the Chinese by :
a) calling the MACC a lapdog of BN
b) stating that overwhelming Malaysian blame MACC (without giving where he got this number from)
c) writing the word murder, death and MACC all in one sentence.
9. What happened next?
a) The funeral
Images upon images of TBH's mourning family were shown by all the Chinese dailies. In these dailies, many of the shots contains only images of DAP leaders. Although there were MCA and GERAKAN leaders there, for some reason, their images were deemed unworthy.
Of course then there was the demonstration in the Stadium where the demo was meant to conjure/bring up one sentiment especially amongst the Chinese – anger and hatred towards the ruling Government.
b) Link to UMNO
Soon after the word murder was link permanently with MACC.Bear in mind, not a single Pakatan leader high ranking leader have come outwith statements stating MACC murdered TBH. However they do encourage theirfoot-soldiers who were making the rounds on the internet accusing MACC with all kind of nasty things.
MCA and GERAKAN leaders were cornered and pressured. This left UMNO to defend the MACC, an organization which was born from the Parliament. When more and more UMNO members came to defend MACC against the rising tide of unjustified accusations, the link were made that MACC is nothing more than an UMNO controlled tool.
c) Request for an Inquest
Since the start until today, there has not been a single request in relation to TBH case that the Pakatan opposition requested, that the Government did not deliver/gave in. They requested for an inquest or a royal commission.This was granted.
10. What is an Inquest? What is the difference between anInquest and a Court Trial?
An inquest is NOT a court trial.
Court trial is when someone is accused of something and a trial is held to judge if that someone is guilty or not. The judge can sentence the guilty person to jail.
An inquest meanwhile is an inquiry (usually medical examination) done by a forensic examiner a.k.a coroner to find out the cause of death which occur in a suspicious or violent manner.
Unlike a court trial where the judge can sentence X or Y tojail, an inquest have no such power. The way inquest is run is also different.It is extremely important for people to understand the differences between a court trial (e.g. Anwar Ibrahim's Sodomy Trial) and a Coroner's Inquest (e.g. TBH Inquest).
In this inquest the TBH family is represented by Gobind Singh Deo, the DAP MP for Puchong.
11. Since TBH worked for DAP ADUN, assisted the MACC oninvestigation against DAP Exco members, is it not bias for Gobind Singh Deo (DAP MP for Puchong) to represent the family?
Excellent observation!
However, you have to understand "the law". It is only BIAS if this kind of arrangement wasdone by BN only. If it was done by other Pakatan opposition, it is not bias, it is justice. Lol
12. How did Dr Pornthip came to the 80% homicide thingy?
An early initial investigation which was done a couple of days after the body was found showed that TBH had fallen from the 14th floor of Plaza Masalam without any unexplained injuries. But as expected this early initial investigation was rejected by the DAP lawyers who now speak on behalf of the late TBH family.
On the 21st October 2009, Dr Pornthip shocked the nation by declaring that by reading the first post mortem report and just by looking at the pictures only, there is a 80% chance that TBH died due to homicide (killed).
Bear in mind, in the 1st post mortem, Dr Pornthip was not involved. Even before making that a shocking statement, she never saw the cadaver of the late TBH up close and personal. Her statement was made solely based on reading the 1st post mortem report and a few pictures which was shown to her during her day in at the inquest on October 21st, 2009.
The 1st autopsy report concluded that TBH committed suicide. This post mortem was conducted by 3 local forensic experts.
Strangely, the 1st autopsy report did not get the attention it deserved. Instead what was shown on the front-page of most of the pro-Pakatan media was the 80% homicide. Heck, even pro-establishment media such as The Star push the result of the 1st post mortem aside and opted for the more "interesting" 80% statement by Dr Pornthip.
13. Who were the forensic experts involved in the 2nd autopsy report?
1) Dr Shahidan Mohd Noor
2) Dr K Saravanan
3) Dr Khairul Azman Ibrahim
4) Dr Prashant Samberkar
5) Dr Pornthip (Pakatan appointed)
6) Dr Vanezis (MACC appointed)
14. What was their result?
The same as the 1st autopsy report. Dr Vanezis himself admitted that TBH died because of suicide. Vanezis, in his testimony, said Teoh was conscious at the time of his fall and there was no proof that he was strangled.
15. Why the local experts' investigation was still rejected?
Only the pro-Pakatan people did not believe both the 1st autopsy report and the 2nd autopsy report. They accused the local experts as bias for the Government.
16. Why not much media on Dr Venici result?
The pro-Pakatan people accused Dr Vanezis as being paid by MACC so his opinion cannot be used and unfair
17. Why some still argue that Dr Pornthip 80% homicide is correct despite the result from 1st and 2nd autopsy?
Since Dr Pornthip is paid by the Pakatan Opposition Selangor State Govt so she must be a fair and correct. Dr Vanezis and the other 4 Malaysian experts are paid by MACC and the Govt so they must be wrong and bias. lol
18. What happened to Dr Pornthip?
After she oversaw the 2nd autopsy report with Dr Vanezis, she went back to Thailand. She did not came to the Inquest when the result was published on the 20th April 2010.
There are two version of why she did not come to the Inquest:
a) She could not defend her 80-20 homicide theory
b) Her safety was under threat
19. Is the "death threat" to Dr Pornthip true?
No. We never heard the real reason why she did not came to the Inquest hearing. All that we heard was what her employer the Selangor State Govt said.
Besides, as this BBC article explains, Dr Pornthip received many many death threats in the past but that did not stop her before.
Maybe we can ask her why all of sudden she can come to the Inquest on 18th August but not on 20th April? Lol Maybe she did not received anymore "signals". Lol
21. What is the alleged note?
The NOTE is a piece of paper written by Teoh Beng Hock just a few hours before he was found dead. Some people have said it is a "suicide note". What is known about the letter is that the letter was addressed to TBH's employer, the Seri Kembangan ADUN Ean Yong.
In that letter TBH was purported to write (in Chinese) that he had to tell MACC everything, that he apologize if this causes problem to the party (DAP) and that he will commit suicide.
The letter first came to the notice of the public on 24th July 2010 when Jaringan Melayu Muda accused the lawyer representing the Government, Tan Hock Chuan, of withholding the note written by TBH in Chinese.
22. What is the response of TBH family to the suicide note?
Until today we still have no idea the response from TBH family. All we hear are angry words coming from their lawyer, Gobind Singh Deo.
23. Why the family lawyer is angry with the suicide note?
I don't know. By right, the lawyer should be happy that finally his clients can get some peace knowing what really happened to their son. But because this lawyer also has vested interest I guess that is why lar...
24. Is the note authentic?
Yes. The AG had said one of the reasons it took so long is because it needed to be verified. Even the Pakatan leaders are not questioning the authenticity of the content of the letter.
25. Why Tan Hock Chuan did not give the letter earlier to the AG?
Nobody knows. Some people say that he betrayed his client(the Government). But in my opinion maybe he "just forgot lar".
Whatever the reason is, Tan Hock Chuan is safe. Pakatan will not touch or demonize him. To touch him will mean reduction in Chinese votes in GE.
However the poor Attorney General will get the bullet shots and the firing has started. It does not matter because demonizing the AG is like killing two birds with one stone (Anwar Ibrahim and RPK have wanted to remove the AG since June 2008).
26. Is it true that the AG withheld the evidence?
First of all, we do not know when Tan Hock Chuan gave the note to the AG.
Second, even if Tan Hock Chuan gave the AG two months or 12 months ago, the note is still valid.
The fact is (Gobind Deo himself knows this) you can't be accused of withholding or holding back evidence when the Coroner's Inquest is still on-going.
27. What will happen next?
a) Pakatan especially DAP will try to shift the attention of the RAKYAT from the content of the letter.
b) The Pakatan DAP together with numerous pro-Pakatan NGOs will attack the Attorney General.
c) They will somehow blame this all on UMNO.
d) Gobind Singh Deo will try to postponed and keep postponing the Inquest until the GE 13.
e) Basically this Inquest will mirror that of Anwar Ibrahim's Sodomy trial.
Not so much focusing on the details at hand but instead focusing on trivial side-issues such as does Dr Vanezis "had an affair with one of the nurses "or does Dr Shahidan's "maid work with proper visa" or perhaps whether Dr Prashant's is a doctor or not. Lol
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The Teoh Beng Hock Saga Part 1
(First published in Oct 2009)

1. Much has been said regarding the Teoh Beng Hock saga.
2. Sadly some people would like to use this unfortunate and tragic event as a political mileage in their never ending political ambitions.
3. I have heard a lot about what allegedly happened on that fateful morning however since the inquest is on-going I am bound to keep tight lip about it at least until the inquest is over.
4. However if a person uses their mind in the right manner, one might be able to see what is really going on.
5. Today, Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand testified at the court after she was brought specially from Thailand on the expense of the Selangor state government.
6. No one should/could deny her many experiences in handling forensic cases since she has worked on over thousands of cases before.
7. However today she testified in the court 100% based on the Beng Hock Autopsy report. Yep that is correct. She did not do any CSI-like investigation on the body or the crime scene.
8. She testified based on what she read from the Autopsy report.
9. Many pro-PR supporters jump in ecstasy when Dr Pornthip suggest that there could be 80% chances of homicide and 20% of suicide. Many pro-BN supporters also whack the personality and physical feature of Dr Pornthip upon hearing/reading this.
10. I believe both reactions are pre-mature. The notion that if TBH died because homicide = PR right BN wrong OR TBH died because of suicide = BN right PR wrong is down right silly.
11. Again let me stress that Dr Pornthip suggested the 80-20 based from reading the autopsy report only. If some of the fanboys from both sides actually took time to read what had transpired in the court they would noticed that Dr Pornthip wished she had a chance to talk to the two pathologists who did Teoh autopsy on the results.
12. Dr Prornthip is being a professional here. She never said that her opinion is absolute or her opinion is the truth but many of the PR fanboys think so. Many pro-PR news portal try very hard to spin it that way.
13. When a patient goes to see a doctor and the doctor give his/her prognosis, it is the patients’ right to seek a second opinion from another doctor. The second doctors’ prognosis may or may not be in agreement with the first doctor. If there are disagreements over prognosis, the two doctor will discuss it. This is a normal procedure.
14. So what is the fuss about this 80-20 thingy? Dr Pornthip requested to have the chance to talk with the two pathologists who did Teoh autopsy on the results.
15. Dr Pornthip also said she didn’t get copies of all documents from the Selangor government which engaged her services.
16. Earlier in the day Dr Pornthip suggested round marks on Teoh’s neck could mean ‘manual strangulation’ with fingers. When she was given Teoh’s photos in order for her to spot any signs strangulations she had described earlier, she could not find any.
17. In the end she requested to do 2nd autopsy even if have to exhume Teoh’s body from the ground.
18. So my suggestion is to let her do it.
19. The question which we should all ask is :
* a. If TBH died from suicide, what is his motive? People do not just jump out of building one morning just for the sake of jumping. Something must have bothered/scared him?
* b. If TBH died from homicide. what is the motive? Ask any policeman around the world, all murder have motive. Who benefits the most from TBH killing?
20. We all know from the Autopsy’s report as well as Dr Pornthip’s opinion, the death occurred around 6 a.m. to 7 a.m.
21. Now we all know the MACC investigation ended by 3 a.m. There are eye witnesses who saw TBH was laughing and eating with MACC members.
22. We also know that between 3 a.m. to 6 a.m someone with the surname Tan, met and scolded TBH in the toilet in an angry manner.
23. A few hours after that TBH was found dead.
24. Do not be a sheep here. God has given us brain so we should use it.
25. For those who accused MACC has a hand in the death, what is the benefit to them if TBH is dead? We all know TBH have given MACC lots of details about a certain somone/some groups doing certain activities. Why would MACC want their main witness dead?
26. For those who accused a certain other party of having a hand in the death of TBH, what is the benefit to him/them if TBH is dead? We all know during that time, this certain party was accused of having some link/connection with ‘underworld lords/mafia/gangster‘. This party was also accused of involved in corruption practices.
27. TBH was the political aide for a certain State Exco by the surname of Ean who coincidentally came from that certain party! TBH was called to MACC building to help MACC to investigate whether the scandals involving that certain party is correct or not.
28. Now ask yourself again….who gains the most from TBH death whether it is by suicide or homicide?
29. So who did it? What happened? Ask the questions…connect the dots and you will find the truth.
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